Please select a plan among the three that you want to participate.


2019年3月8日(金)12:00 〜 8月19日(金)23:59

SATOYAMA full plan!

It is a great plan that you can enjoy all of "SATOYAMARUN" in marathon event, eve festival and accommodation!
Please apply in the order of "Step 01" and "Step 02".
*Please be assured that there are interpreters on the day.If you need assistance, don't hesitate to ask us for help.

Step 01

Marathon Event Entry
half:JYP 6,000/quarter:JYP 4,000

Distribution of runner reception & number cards will be done on Saturday, September 12 , 2020.

Step 02

Apply for the Eve festival and accommodation

The cost depends on the choice of accommodation.

Please check the cost on the application screen. Only those who have made a reservation with this plan can participate in the eve festival.


Accommodation plan

It is a plan that you can stay at accommodation facilities in the convention and Nyukawa-cho!
Please apply in the order of "Step 01" and "Step 02

Step 01

Marathon Event Entry
half:JYP 6,000/quarter:JYP 4,000

Distribution of runner reception & number cards will be done on Saturday, September 12 , 2020.

Step 02

Apply for the accommodation

The cost depends on the choice of accommodation.

Please confirm the cost of accommodation on the application screen.


Marathon plan

Only the September 13 (Sun) only "Marathon event" can only entry in the plan!
Please apply in the "Step 01".
*Please be assured that there are interpreters on the day.If you need assistance, don't hesitate to ask us for help.

Step 01

Marathon Event Entry
half:JYP 6,000/quarter:JYP 4,000

Distribution of runner reception & number cards will be done on Saturday, September 12 , 2020.

NOTE* In order to participate in the eve, you must apply for the accommodation at nyukawa.

Notice for registration

  1. 01.If you make a multiple application, it will be invalid.
  2. 02.False declaration of age, sex, record and contestants other than the applicant is prohibited. If such things are found out, participation will be withdrawn and possibility of declining the registration.
  3. 03.Substitute runner and transferring the right is prohibited. If these actions have revealed, promoter will not compensate.
  4. 04.Correspond in any of the action above (1, 2, 3) there will not be refund of participation fee.
  5. 05.Cancellation, correction, changing a registration is prohibited. Secretariat will contact to the e-mail address or telephone number if there are problems with registration.
  6. 06.We do not take responsibility or liability for failure of registration cause by the problems of network connection.
  7. 07.地震・風水害・降雪・事件・事故・疫病等による中止の場合、参加料の返金はいたしません。
  8. 08.公共交通機関、道路事情等による遅刻について、主催者は一切責任を負いません。
  9. 09.大会中の映像・写真・記事・記録・位置情報・申込者の氏名、年齢、生年月日、住所(国名、都道府県名または市町村名)等のテレビ・新聞・雑誌・インターネット等への掲載権と肖像権は主催者に属します。
  10. 10.大会開催中のランナーの負傷又は発病等の際、主催者はランナーに対する応急処置および必要な場合には救急搬送を行います。その際、ランナーの氏名・住所・連絡先等を医療機関および救急隊に対し提供します。また、主催者が搬送先の病院に対してランナーの診療情報の開示を求めることにつき予めご了解いただくものとします。
  11. 11.主催者は大会開催中の傷病や紛失、事故に際し、応急処置および主催者の故意又は重大な過失によるものを除いて一切の責任を負いません。
  12. 12.主催者は、個人情報の保護法令を遵守し、参加者の個人情報を取り扱います。大会参加者へのサービス向上を目的に参加案内、記録通知、関連情報の通知、大会協賛・協力・関係団体からのサービスの提供、記録発表(ランキング)等に利用することを予めご了解いただくものとします。
  13. 13.本大会は国内の関連するすべての法律を遵守し、実施されるものとします。


  • JTB Sports Station Desk


    Business hours: Weekdays 9:30 to 17:30 (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays closed)

